wrote and posted this piece in early November 2016, just before the
Presidential election. After Trump’s election I concluded that my language had
been overly strident, and pulled the piece. I now regret that decision, so here
is the piece in full. If it vanishes it means I've changed my mind again!
On Tuesday 8 November America elects a new
President and, for the first time in living memory, Western civilisation itself
is on the ballot paper. Not directly of course, though it might as well be. The
American people are choosing between two candidates, Democrat Hillary Clinton
or ‘Republican’ Donald Trump, only one of whom subscribes to the set of values
which constitutes the basis of Western civilisation. And that candidate is
Hillary Clinton. Trump’s commitment to democracy, constitutionalism and the rule
of law are all questionable at best – and that’s just based on the statements
he has chosen to make publically. As such Americans who appreciate the
civilisation that has been the basis for American success, regardless of
political orientation, should vote for Clinton to protect the American republic
and constitution.
It’s beyond sad that it’s got to this point. The
Republican Party used to be one of the great defenders of Western civilisation.
The party which helped defend the free world from communism, authoritarian
regimes and more recently Islamist fundamentalism. But that Republican Party is
dead, or at least missing in action. The current Republican party, judging by
its Presidential candidate, is no longer a force for Western civilisation. With
some honourable exceptions the party has bent the knee to Donald Trump, who
encapsulates all they ought to despise. Supporters of constitutional democracy
should mourn the Republican party of the past, the party of Lincoln and Raegan
(and dare I say it of George W. Bush and John McCain), and hope for its return.
But we, and that includes those of us who identify as Conservatives, should
fight with all we have to ensure Hillary Clinton becomes the next American
You don’t have to think Hillary will be a good
President to support her. In fact I’d recommend supporting her even if you
think she will be extremely poor at the job. For what it’s worth I think she
will make a reasonable President. She has good experience, and a level of basic
decency. But, in the grand scheme of things, this barely matters. What matters
is that she clearly subscribes to democratic-constitutional values, the basis
of Western civilisation, whilst her opponent does not. So even if you are a
diehard Republican, or energised Bernie Sanders supporter, if you support
democratic-constitutional principles you need to vote for Hillary. Forget third
party candidates. Unless you live in Utah, where traditional conservative Evan
McMullin might have a better shot at beating Trump than Hillary, voting for a
third party candidate in an election of this magnitude is a waste.
To say that Donald Trump’s commitment to democracy
is questionable would be an understatement. Most significantly he struggles to
accept the possibility or reality of defeat. He rarely, if ever, accepts that
an opponent has beaten him fairly. Rather any setbacks are attributed, with
little or no evidence, to conspiracy. Other
people, in Trump’s world, don’t oppose him due to honest disagreement, but
because they are corrupt. When Trump lost the first Republican primary in Iowa
to Ted Cruz he claimed, without evidence, that the poll was rigged. He’s
already started making the same assertion regarding the Presidential election,
especially a few weeks ago when he was polling particularly badly. Trump has
stated that he might not accept the result of the Presidential election unless
he wins, and has done so with a spectacular lack of hard evidence of foul play.
As such he is striking at one of the core components of a democratic system,
namely the idea that the loser, in the absence of proof of malpractice, accepts
the legitimacy of the winner.
Trump’s political convictions have lacked
consistency in most areas, other than his longstanding admiration for
authoritarianism. The foreign leaders he praises most freely, most prominently
Russia’s Vladimir Putin, tend to be authoritarians. He challenges the influence of key Western
institutions, such as when he stated that he might not defend NATO members who
hadn’t ‘fulfilled their obligations’ to America. As such the evidence is clear
that Trump’s commitment to democracy, one of the most important features of
Western civilisation, is incomplete or worse.
Trump’s commitment to another key Western
principle, constitutionalism and the rule of law, is little better. He has made
it clear that he wants American forces to utilise torture, and to kill the
families of suspected terrorists. Both of these clearly violate international
law. He claimed that American born Gonzalo Curiel, the judge presiding over the
Trump university case, is unfit to judge the case due to his Mexican heritage,
a fragrant attack on judicial independence. Trump has also openly admitted that
he would like to see the press subject to additional restrictions, and both he
and his supporters have launched vitriolic attacks on critical journalists,
most prominently Fox News’ Megyn Kelly. It’s reasonable to assume that this
behaviour would continue, and perhaps even intensify, if Trump reaches the
White House and gains control over the American state apparatus. Great power
rarely has a restraining influence on rulers, and there’s little reason to
think it will have this impact on Trump.
The ongoing Presidential election is the most
important political event in my lifetime. The implications for America and the
world, if a President is elected with little concern for Western values and
institutions, are titanic. As such Americans from across the political spectrum
need to come together and defend Western civilisation, and this means voting
for the candidate who respects the democratic-constitutional values which form
the basis of our civilisation, Hillary Clinton. Clinton clearly respects
democracy, pluralism and the rule of law. Trump gives the impression that he
does not. And right now that is virtually all that matters.
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